When It's Rainy or Snowy, We Go Out

We’ve had lots of rain here in the Nebraska hinterlands, welcome and much needed. Hubby said let’s grab our cameras and go down to the river road and see what we can see. It was rainy and foggy and drizzly, some places had gotten up to five inches of rain. I knew the river road was not paved. All manner of “what if’s” popped like popcorn in my little brain. Sigh. I said “ok.”

Yes. We have a jeep. Yes. Hubby loves driving it. Yes. He is a good driver. Yes. We slid sideways down a (really) steep muddy road. Yes. We almost went in the ditch and/or rolled. Yes. We almost got stuck.


The land was fresh and damp and colorful and foggy and just perfect. The air was crisp and clean. The sky was full of atmosphere and promise. There is something about rain (and snow) that just changes the landscape to something magical.

Custer County ©Beth Cole

Custer County ©Beth Cole

So we shot a few photos. We made memories (for him that muddy thrill, for me negative bonding). We chased beauty. We didn’t get stuck. We did something besides sit on the couch. High five, eh?

I hope the rain and snow invites you to go out, too, there’s beauty to behold - pursue it my friend. Then you can say…. when it’s rainy or snowy – we go out.