Be Gentle As You Paint
/Angel Print © Beth Cole
I just read an interesting blog post, Drawing the Fine Line, by Kim Carlton on the Oil Painters of America blog where she said “I’m mostly unloving to myself as the creator of my art, but I want to change that.“
You are so right, Karen. I have never thought of this idea of being unloving to myself as I paint, but it is so true.
I think about the narrative in my head as I am painting and it usually isn’t very kind or gentle. It sounds more like ….this looks terrible……now what are you going to do…..can you fix this……that isn’t right……where are you going with this, etc. etc. etc.
Gah. Not loving. One bit.
Don’t get me wrong. I believe in self-critique as I paint, there is nothing wrong with seeing flaws and making corrections. I can’t imagine a painting coming to life without this editing process.
But I am wondering if I might have a more gentle tone with myself as I critique. One that comes from a place of kindness and respect for the work God is doing within me as I paint. After all, I am a work in progress in every sense of the word, just as is the painting on my easel.
Hmmmmm. Let’s sit awhile with that thought and see if it sticks.
-- Beth Cole
Soli Deo Gloria