Painting Portraits with Rita Kirkman
/Artist Rita Kirkman at work on a portrait from life - Valentine Nebraska Art Workshop
The Valentine Art Guild sponsored a wonderful workshop with artist Rita Kirkman last weekend. She demonstrated life drawing and working from a grid. It was SO GOOD.
Artist Rita Kirkman at work on a portrait - Valentine Nebraska Art Workshop
I snapped a photo of this guy who was wandering the exhibits in the same building as the workshop.
Unknown Fellow - Attending the Fair
I thought he had so much character, especially his eyes. I wanted to try to paint him using the techniques taught by Rita. I believe my painting might be his younger self.
Pastel Portrait ©Beth Cole
And here's another practice of the techniques, I used derwent charcoals, charcoal pencil, and gesso on this piece.
Vintage Glam - Charcoal, Gesso - © Beth Cole
Thanks to all the members of the Valentine Art Guild who organized the workshop and hosted so beautifully, it was a great time!