Imagination and Creativity
/Rooted | Oil on Linen | 11 x 14 | © Beth Cole
Imagination and Creativity
by Beth Cole
These long days of summer give so much opportunity. Road trips. Sunsets on the deck. Gathering and laughing. More painting time, brushes up and ready as the sun rises.
Happily, my recent days have been filled with all of these lovely things. As I was road tripping to see my sister a few weeks ago, I listened to a wonderful podcast interview with Charlie Peacock (writer, musician, producer). He spoke about imagination and creativity - how imagination leads to making something better than good, how it is the runway to making something great.
I’ve been thinking about that and wondering how it plays into painting.
Concurrently I have been experimenting with indirect painting techniques as taught by Deborah Paris. She encourages the setting aside of the camera so as to develop observation and memory, and then painting from that place.
This connects beautifully with imagination.
It never ceases to amaze me how God weaves people, thoughts, and experiences together in our lives to show us something about Himself or ourselves. Imagination, observation, creativity, memory - all characteristics of being fully human and able to create.
God created us in his image with these capabilities. It is quite astonishing when you think of it.
I believe in giving ourselves time and space to think, observe and imagine. To me, this is not only a smooth path to creativity - it’s a way to glorify our Maker and trust Him with the outcome of our efforts.
I hope your last days of summer are long and full, and I hope they include time for imagining and creating.
Peace to you and your special ones.
Soli Deo Gloria