A Small Thing That Makes A Big Difference
/Splish Splash | © Beth Cole | Oil on Panel | 9 x 12
A few months ago I was invited to a birthday party for one of my friends. I was, I’m sure, the oldest one in the room….the majority being in their thirties and the birthday girl crossing over to the big 4-0. As the cake was served my friend asked, “so what advice do you have for me, now that I’m 40?”
My mind sorta went blank, as the lessons God has taught me are vast, too many to share at one time. But one thought came through and that was “keep moving.”
It’s such a small thing, but it makes a big difference.
I think as we get older, and certainly with the sitting culture of phones and laptops and games, I think it is more important than ever to keep moving – walk, jog, ride a bike, whatever and preferably in the outside air. There is something about being in nature that stills the frenzy and puts things in perspective.
For artists I think moving is especially apropo because we may sit at an easel or stand in place most of the day. My Fitbit tells me I need a few steps every now and again and for that I’m happy.
Coming from a childhood as a fat kid, I’m especially aware of how my body responds to exercise or the lack thereof. This is what I notice on the days I’m able to walk or exercise in some way
I feel clearer minded
Don’t know how, but I feel and (dare I say) look a wee bit younger
Sparkle in my eyes
It definitely lifts my mood
My heart is more centered
I feel fresh and ready to concentrate a/k/a PAINT.
Seeing as how it is January and all, what better time could there be for moving our bodies…..just a little bit even….every day.
What do you think?
Soli Deo Gloria