New Painting and Story - The Shallows
/The Shallows In Situ | Oil on Wood Panel | 48.5 x 23.5 | © Beth Cole
The Shallows | Oil on Wood Panel | 48.5 x 23.5 | © Beth Cole
The shallow part of this pond – the cools and warms of the rocks in the water - was my inspiration for this painting and the reason I named it, “The Shallows.”
If we think about it, much of our lives are spent in the shallows whether it be relationships or conversations or how we spend our free time.
But there is beauty in going deeper and I think the shallows are the entrance therein.
Shallows are safe, there is no threat or danger in shallow water. But the most growth and understanding of ourselves and others comes from venturing out of the shallows and into the deep places. There are so many opportunities, and I think we as humans have an innate longing for more depth whether it’s in conversations, relationships, books, or purpose in life.
I believe being present with people, listening, and asking good questions are all ways we can venture out of the shallows and into the deeper waters of life where we can, when anchored, find unthreatened stillness and rest.
Peace to you my friend.
--Beth Cole
Soli Deo Gloria
The Shallows | In Situ | Oil on Wood Panel | © Beth Cole