New Painting and Story - The Shallows

New Painting and Story - The Shallows

The shallow part of this pond – the cools and warms of the rocks in the water - was my inspiration for this painting and the reason I named it, “The Shallows.”

If we think about it, much of our lives are spent in the shallows whether it be relationships or conversations or how we spend our free time.

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My First Online Show - Request An Invite

My First Online Show - Request An Invite

This year I wanted to do something special and fun for all those who have taken an interest in my art. For a limited time, November 8th through November 9th, I’ll be hosting a private online art show.

The show is open to anyone but you must request an invite. Inside this private event you’ll fine affordable original art of all sizes, perfect for people who love Nebraska and the lands of the Midwest.

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Letting Go

Letting Go

Once I read some advice that has always stuck with me and that is “Let go of the good so you can say yes to the best.”

So simple, right? But harder to do in real life.

I have always struggled with too many ideas and rabbit trails. When I first started painting I tried everything - watercolor, mixed media, encaustic, jewelry making, wooden things, acrylic, pastel, etc. I’m tired just thinking of it all. And you know each of these media had special tools and supplies, so imagine the “stuff” I amassed. Sheesh. My poor little art room was over run!

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Random Thoughts of Late

Random Thoughts of Late

My brain. It goes where it wants at times, dwelling where I wish it wouldn’t and flitting past other places much too soon, sometimes without a trace of ever having visited. Ugh. Perhaps you can relate.

My memory might not be as good as it once was, but I still have thoughts and ideas. Here are some of late.

Paint and toxicity

I have used safflower oil as a medium for several years because of its non-toxicity. Recently I have been experimenting with Liquin as it was recommended as a good medium to use with transparent paint for glazing purposes. I’ll have to admit, I do like it quite a bit more than safflower oil because it’s silky smooth and makes my paint spread like butter. But. (Always something, eh?) I don’t like the smell. At. All. Which leads me to something else I have been thinking about. Air filters.

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You're Invited - Yappy Hour, WAOW Boulder, and BlueHills at Round Top, TX

You're Invited - Yappy Hour, WAOW Boulder, and BlueHills at Round Top, TX

We’re about ready to turn the calendar page and I’m excited for the goings on in my little art world in the month of September.

Yappy Hour

First up is Yappy Hour from 5-8pm on September 7, 2019 at the Riverside Country Club in Grand Island. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Central Nebraska Humane Society. Photographer husband Gary and I will show side by side. Should be a fun event!

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Imagination and Creativity

Imagination and Creativity

Imagination and Creativity

by Beth Cole

These long days of summer give so much opportunity. Road trips. Sunsets on the deck. Gathering and laughing. More painting time, brushes up and ready as the sun rises.

Happily, my recent days have been filled with all of these lovely things. As I was road tripping to see my sister a few weeks ago, I listened to a wonderful podcast interview with Charlie Peacock (writer, musician, producer). He spoke about imagination and creativity - how imagination leads to making something better than good, how it is the runway to making something great.

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Painting Lies We Tell Ourselves

Painting Lies We Tell Ourselves

My husband and I did a long road trip last week and we always like listening to podcasts as we drive. One we really enjoyed was “Photography Lies You Tell Yourself” on the Picture This! Photography Podcast by Tony and Chelsea Northrup.

It made me wonder how it applies to the painting world, are there lies we tell ourselves as artists? Hmmmmm. What do you think?

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